Romeo & Juliette Spa Treatment


Share a couple of relaxing hours with the one you love!

Our treatment comprises of a private Hydro-therapy bath and sauna for the couple, including sparkling wine and chocolate delight. Afterwards you and your partner will be treated to a 75 minute full body scrub and massage to start your treatment. The entire treatment is all done in our Romeo & Juliette suite, beautifully candlelit, with private his & her showers to a choice of your own music.

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Romeo and Juliette Tour:

Sauna and Hydrotherapy bath details:
Directional Hydromassage jets provide targeted relief to problem areas with easy-to-turn nozzles
Rotary Hydromassage jets create a rotating stream of water for a varies massage sensation
Directional Precision jets are targeted to relieve tension in focused areas.
Play your own music via Bluetooth connect on your mobile phone.

Infrared saunas are a type of sauna that uses heat and light to help relax and detoxify the body. Also called far-infrared saunas or near-infrared saunas, these omit infrared light waves that create heat in the body, causing you to sweat and release stored “toxins”.